Reality television star Amy Slaton Halterman, known from the show “1000-Lb. Sisters,” has pleaded guilty to drug charges following her arrest in September at a Tennessee zoo. The 37-year-old mom of two boys, Gage Deon, 4, and Glenn Allen, 2, entered her plea in court on December 19. She faced charges for simple possession of marijuana and mushrooms.
As part of a plea agreement, two other charges related to child endangerment were dropped. Alongside her, Brian Scott Lovvorn, who was also arrested, pleaded guilty to the same offenses. The Crockett County District Attorney General confirmed that both Slaton and Lovvorn will pay a $1,000 fine and complete a drug and alcohol assessment as well as a state-certified parenting class. They are also banned from returning to the Tennessee Safari Park, where their arrest occurred.
In a statement, the District Attorney emphasized that the two will be heading back to Kentucky for the holidays, mentioning their significance to the state. Details of their arrest revealed that authorities responded to reports of a camel biting a guest at the park. When officers arrived, they noticed a strong smell coming from their vehicle.
During the investigation, police reportedly found what they believed to be mushrooms and marijuana inside Slaton’s car. Both she and Lovvorn received medical attention at the scene before they were taken into custody.
Following the incident, Slaton’s children were taken care of by a family member, and the Tennessee Department of Child Services announced it would look into their family situation. Meanwhile, Amy’s sister, Tammy Slaton, stepped in to help with the kids. In March 2023, Amy filed for divorce from her husband Michael Halterman, with the finalization showcased in a February 2024 episode of the show.