In the wake of a devastating wildfire that destroyed their home in Pacific Palisades, former reality stars Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag are calling on their fans for support. The couple, known for their time on the hit series “The Hills,” is striving to rebuild their lives after losing everything to flames.
Spencer Pratt took to social media to share their plight and encourage supporters to stream Heidi’s 2010 album, “Superficial.” This initiative aims to generate some much-needed income as they navigate this challenging period. His heartfelt request resonated with fans and fellow celebrities alike, drawing substantial attention to the album.
Several dedicated followers, including celebrity figures like Flavor Flav and model Emily Ratajkowski, quickly jumped on board, sharing TikTok videos featuring songs from Montag’s album. Their efforts proved fruitful as “Superficial” climbed the charts, dazzling everyone by landing at No. 1 on iTunes. This sudden rise even edged out the latest release from popular artist Bad Bunny.
Pratt expressed tremendous gratitude towards fans for the overwhelming support during what has been a distressing time for the couple. He emphasized that, despite the significant loss they faced, the achievement of the album reaching such heights provides a silver lining. In a joyful and slightly humorous video, he remarked, “Who needs a house, who needs clothes … who needs anything but this level of clout pop superstardom?” These light-hearted comments became a source of comfort for fans amid the sorrowful context of their loss.
The couple’s son, Gunner, age 7, and Ryker, age 2, are also part of their team as they cope with losing their home. Paris Hilton, a friend and fellow celebrity who has also been affected by the recent fires, joined in to support them. She congratulated Montag, emphasizing unity among those impacted by these destructive events.
In her own way, Heidi Montag took to Instagram to express her appreciation for the community’s support. She shared her gratitude for how fans rallied behind them during this devastating time. Montag acknowledged the love pouring in, highlighting the significance of the fans’ encouragement as a “blessing” while they grieve their loss.
Alongside the push for music streaming, Spencer has been active on TikTok, asking followers to support his videos to generate some income. In a transparent plea, he requested fans to help him achieve a certain engagement level on his posts, which could lead to extra earnings. “If possible, can you go to the post before this and watch and like that video? I’ll get up to $1,100 from TikTok if it’s one of the top ten most-liked TikToks,” he explained.
Even as they navigate the financial implications of their recent tragedy, Spencer jokingly shared updates about his shopping experiences, noting that the local Erewhon Market was no longer an option for him but that he remains thankful for grocery shopping opportunities.
The wildfires that raged in Los Angeles have struck many families and individuals, and Pratt and Montag are just two of the high-profile cases that highlight the ongoing struggles faced by residents. As they take steps toward recovery, their commitment to each other, along with the support of their fans, serves as a reminder of community strength amid adversity.
The couple continues to find ways to manage their situation, keeping an optimistic outlook through humor and engagement with their supporters. The journey ahead may be challenging, but their resilience and the backing from their fan community stand as a beacon of hope during this tumultuous time.