The much-anticipated animated film, “Moana 2,” has finally arrived in theaters, bringing back the bright Polynesian spirit and adventurous charm that fans loved in the original. However, this sequel, set three years after the first film, seems to lack the humor and memorable songs that made its predecessor so delightful.
Originally planned as a streaming series, “Moana 2” has made its way to the big screen. The animation remains impressive, showcasing a stunning visual quality that surpasses the 2016 original. Yet, the film struggles with direction and focus, seeming to get lost in the changing priorities of its studio.
This is disappointing, especially considering how “Moana” was hailed as one of Disney’s most joyful animated movies in recent years, offering a unique blend of cultural authenticity and whimsical storytelling. The original captured hearts with its catchy songs and lovable characters, and many were hopeful for a worthy follow-up.
In “Moana 2,” we see a more mature Moana (once again voiced by Auli’i Cravalho) as she embarks on another quest, aiming to unite the people of Oceania by searching for an ancient island. This time, Moana’s journey is accompanied by both old friends and new characters. While returning favorites like the rooster Heihei and the pig Pua add some familiarity, the new crew members—who include a super fan of Maui and a grumpy farmer—fall flat, failing to bring the vibrant dynamics that animated ensembles typically showcase.
The film introduces some interesting encounters, including a battle with quirky coconut creatures. However, the villain, while somewhat engaging, does not reach the levels of powerful antagonists seen in previous Disney films. The absence of Lin-Manuel Miranda, who contributed memorable songs to the first movie, is deeply felt, as the new songs do not quite match the infectious energy of the original.
Even though “Moana 2” has its moments, including thrilling animated sequences, it doesn’t quite recapture the essence of what made the original so special. The film’s running time of 100 minutes offers a quick viewing experience, which might appeal to younger audiences, but it also leaves viewers wanting more of the clever banter that characterized the original.
Overall, “Moana 2” is a decent continuation of Moana’s story but doesn’t live up to the high expectations set by its predecessor. It provides a colorful adventure that can entertain but ultimately lacks the heart and vibrancy of the original tale. “Moana 2,” released by Walt Disney Co., is rated PG and offers glimpses of fun but struggles to find its own path.