Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is welcoming the new year with her first Instagram account since 2020. The announcement was confirmed, revealing that the handle @meghan now belongs to her. In her debut post, Meghan shares a black and white video of herself at the beach, wearing white as she draws “2025” in the sand on a cloudy day. The account has quickly gained over 200,000 followers.
Meghan and her husband, Prince Harry, tied the knot in 2018 and were initially part of the official Kensington Royal account, which included Prince William and his wife, Kate. However, a year later, they created their own space on social media with @SussexRoyal, reflecting their desire for independence from the royal family. That account was shut down in 2020, following their announcement about stepping back from royal duties.
Before her marriage, Meghan was known for her successful acting career, particularly from her role in the television show “Suits.” She hinted at her return to Instagram in a 2022 interview, saying, “Do you want to know a secret? I’m getting back … on Instagram.” Yet, she also expressed hesitation about her return at times, sharing worries about online harassment. In 2023, Meghan and Harry called on social media companies to improve their content moderation practices, raising concerns about the potential negative effects of social media on young people’s mental health.