A young bull terrier, dubbed “Trooper,” has found a loving new home after being abandoned by his owner during Hurricane Milton in Florida. This heartwarming turn of events follows the pup being discovered tied to a fence as the storm approached, prompting outrage and concern from animal lovers across the state.
Trooper was rescued by a Florida Highway Patrol officer who bravely ventured into a soggy field to save the frightened dog. In the wake of the storm, Trooper was placed in a foster home, receiving help from the Leon County Humane Society after a call for assistance came from Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis’ office.
Frank and Carla Spina, a couple with over 30 years of experience caring for bull terriers, were deeply moved by Trooper’s plight. After learning about his story, the couple felt an immediate connection and couldn’t resist the opportunity to adopt him. They promptly submitted a heartfelt letter expressing their desire to welcome him into their family.
Despite some concerns from the shelter regarding Trooper’s behavior toward men, Frank remained confident in their ability to bond with the pup. “I told them we would be best buddies,” he recalled. True to his words, when the couple met Trooper, it was clear that the match was perfect. Trooper, who had previously been anxious, quickly relaxed in the presence of Frank and Carla.
The Spinas brought along their other bull terrier, a female named Dallas, to help Trooper feel at home. The meeting was a success, with the two dogs getting along famously right from the start. Trooper, estimated to be around three years old, is now thriving in his new environment surrounded by love and care.
Meanwhile, the former owner, 23-year-old Giovanny Aldama Garcia, faces serious legal repercussions for his actions. He has been charged with aggravated cruelty to animals after admitting to abandoning Trooper on the freeway as he fled the storm. Authorities, including Governor DeSantis, have condemned Garcia’s actions as completely unacceptable, vowing that he would be held accountable.
Garcia’s arraignment is scheduled for December 18, and he faces up to five years in prison while being prohibited from regaining custody of Trooper.
The story of Trooper serves as a reminder of the responsibility pet owners have, especially in times of crisis, and the importance of compassion for vulnerable animals.