Jay Leno, the beloved former host of “The Tonight Show,” is clearing the air about recent rumors surrounding his injuries. At 74 years old, Leno addressed these speculations during an appearance on Bill Maher’s podcast, “Club Random.”
During their discussion, Maher brought up a wild rumor that Leno’s injuries were due to confrontations with the mob over gambling debts. Leno, known for his humor, responded with a witty quip, suggesting that it was interesting to think the mob wouldn’t just take one of his expensive cars as payment. Leno has an impressive collection of nearly 200 cars, many of which are rare and worth millions.
However, shifting from humor to a more serious tone, Leno recounted an encounter with a mobster early in his career. While performing at a comedy club, a mob member approached him, complimenting his talent and even slipping him $100. Leno, showing wisdom beyond his years, politely declined, suggesting the money be given to charity instead. The mobster appreciated his response, advising him not to take money from people like him, which Leno noted prevented any future issues.
He also mentioned that, while he never had problems himself, he often saw the repercussions for other comedians who didn’t tread lightly around mob figures. Leno made it clear that the rumors about his injuries being linked to gambling are unfounded, as he doesn’t gamble. He explained that for him, losing money feels worse than gaining it because he could spend that money on better things, like taking his wife to dinner.
In November, Leno was spotted with severe bruising on his face, causing concern among fans. He later explained that these injuries resulted from a fall down a steep hill, where he sustained a broken wrist and bruising all over his body. Additionally, he mentioned a previous incident involving serious burns he suffered while working on a car, which required several surgeries and a lengthy recovery.
Through his experiences, Leno continues to showcase his resilience while reminding us that life can be unpredictable, but maintaining a sense of humor and wisdom is always key.