David Schwimmer, known for his role on “Friends,” recently recounted an amusing experience from his younger years. During an appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” the actor shared a story about how he once served iconic musician Rod Stewart with divorce papers.
Reflecting on his past jobs, Schwimmer mentioned that after his freshman year of college, he worked as a process server for his mother, who was a divorce lawyer. He humorously described the task of popping out from behind bushes to deliver divorce papers as feeling like a secret agent. “I received tips about people’s locations and then would track them down,” he explained.
In a light-hearted moment, Schwimmer recounted the time he stood before Stewart to serve him the papers. “Thank goodness I’ve never run into him since,” he laughed, expressing uncertainty about whether the singer even remembers the encounter.
Colbert jokingly noted that Stewart would now be aware and might take action if he ever met Schwimmer again.
Though it’s unclear who Stewart’s divorce papers were for, it’s worth noting that he was previously married to Alana Stewart from 1979 to 1984 and to Rachel Hunter from 1990 to 2006. Currently, he is married to Penny Lancaster since 2007.
Schwimmer was promoting his new project, “Goosebumps: The Vanishing,” the second season of the Disney+ series based on R.L. Stine’s children’s horror books. In this latest installment, he plays a divorced father who takes a break from his job as a botanist to care for his mother suffering from dementia while also looking after his twins. Schwimmer expressed his excitement about stepping into the horror genre, saying he has always been a fan of horror action-comedy.
“This is a unique opportunity for me,” Schwimmer shared, looking forward to portraying a father to teenagers, something he connects with personally now. It marks a new and meaningful chapter in his career, demonstrating his versatility as an actor.