Brianna LaPaglia, popularly known as Brianna Chickenfry, made a bold statement at the Golden Globes on Sunday night, turning heads in a stunning metallic gown. This marked her first appearance at an awards show since her highly publicized breakup with country music star Zach Bryan. LaPaglia has openly accused Bryan of emotional abuse during their relationship, claims that he has yet to address.
The eye-catching bronze dress she wore hugged her figure beautifully and featured a daring sweetheart neckline. Interestingly, LaPaglia revealed on social media that this dress was not her original choice. She had initially planned to wear a sheer silver dress but opted for the metallic number instead.
Although her style on the red carpet was striking, LaPaglia’s personal life has been the focus of much conversation lately. Since parting ways with Bryan, she has expressed her disinterest in dating. At the Golden Globes, she told reporters, “Dating looks like a dark hole that I don’t want to jump into.” She even made a bet with her podcast co-host, Josh Richards, declaring she wouldn’t date anyone until the summer.
The breakup between LaPaglia and Bryan took a complicated turn when she shared details about their rocky relationship. On her podcast, she alleged that Bryan had pressured her into signing a nondisclosure agreement in exchange for a significant financial settlement. LaPaglia stated that she refused the offer, explaining that her decision was not just about her, but also for anyone else who may be suffering from emotional abuse.
Reflecting on her tough year, LaPaglia mentioned how the experience changed her. “The last year of my life has been the hardest year of my life,” she said, revealing her lingering fears concerning Bryan.
Bryan, on the other hand, has acknowledged their breakup through social media, expressing gratitude for LaPaglia’s love and support during their time together. He stated that they decided to part ways for the benefit of both of them, admitting his own struggles throughout the year.
As both continue to navigate the aftermath of their relationship, LaPaglia’s empowering presence at the Golden Globes serves as a reminder of her resilience and determination to move forward.